A Bout the Souffle

about the souffle

Shaped canvases and ballpoint pens. A trajectory.   The color of matter. Surface.   Resins and aluminum. Perspectives.   Solid, void. Gauging distance.   Breathless       The trailer for the Jean-Luc Godard film that marked the birth of the Nouvelle Vague presented the public with a rapid succession of different perspectives and bodies, […]

GRAZIA VARISCO. Filo rosso 1960 – 2015

Cortesi Gallery is pleased to announce a solo exhibition by Grazia Varisco, Filo Rosso 1960-2015. Filo Rosso (red thread, guiding thread) is the title the artist has chosen to accompany the connected paths of inquiry presented in this show, where works sometimes distant from each other in time are exhibited in a perceptual, sensory dialogue. […]

GREAT EXPECTATIONS: The Sense of the Future in the Art of the ’60s

“Great Expectations: The Sense of the Future in the Art of the Sixties” tries to analyze and convey the mood of anticipation about the immediate future experienced by a generation of artists that emerged in this decade. Curated by Marco Meneguzzo, the exhibition sets off from the idea that 1960 marked a crucial turning point […]


Cortesi Contemporary is pleased to announce the opening of Scheggi – Skaer, a show dedicated to Paolo Scheggi (Settignano, Florence 1940 – Rome, 1971) and Lucy Skaer (Glasgow, 1975). This exhibition, curated and conceived for the Lugano gallery by Eva Fabbris, juxtaposes the oeuvre of Paolo Scheggi with the more recent practice of artist Lucy […]

Edo Bertoglio – RINGFLASH

Cortesi Contemporary is pleased to present Ringflash, a solo exhibition by Edo Bertoglio. For the first time, the Swiss photographer will be juxtaposing his historic project “Figurines” (1978-82), an extraordinary collection of portraits featuring iconic figures from the New York punk/new-wave scene, with the recent, never previously exhibited series “Ladies” (2010-11), made in Switzerland and […]

Out of the Blue

out of the blue

La galleria Cortesi Contemporary è lieta di presentare Out of the Blue, una collettiva di artisti di fama internazionale, tra i quali figurano alcuni tra i protagonisti dell’arte dei giorni nostri.   La galleria prosegue il suo cammino espositivo iniziato con la mostra Arte Italiana ‘60-‘90, portando la visione agli anni 2000. Un percorso ideato […]

Arte Italiana ’60-’90

Arte Italiana 60-90

La galleria Cortesi Contemporary è lieta di annunciare l’apertura del suo nuovo spazio espositivo, completamente ristrutturato in un prestigioso palazzo nel centro di Lugano.   Il progetto culturale, nato dall’iniziativa del collezionista Stefano Cortesi, intende diventare un luogo di scambio, di ricerca e di sperimentazione per rendere le opere d’arte moderna e contemporanea accessibili ad […]


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