Checkmate: Games of International Art from the Sixties to Now

Cortesi Gallery is delighted to present Checkmate. Games of International Art from the Sixties to Now, a group exhibition featuring works by Alberto Biasi, Alighiero Boetti, Agostino Bonalumi, Enrico Castellani, Tony Cragg, Piero Dorazio, Tano Festa, Lucio Fontana, Joseph Kosuth, Heinz Mack, Giulio Paolini, Jesús-Rafael Soto, Grazia Varisco. Checkmate proposes a critical journey to discover […]
The Concrete Utopia: Ivan Picelj and New Tendencies 1961-1973

Cortesi Gallery is delighted to present The Concrete Utopia. Ivan Picelj and New Tendencies 1961-1973, an exhibition dedicated to explore the production of the Croatian artist Ivan Picelj (1924-2011). Inaugurated at the gallery’s London space last May, The Concrete Utopia arrives to Lugano after a warm reception from the public and critics, enriched by works […]
Heinz Mack. The Visible Reminder of Invisible Light

Cortesi Gallery è lieta di presentare a Lugano Heinz Mack. The Visible Reminder of Invisible Light, mostra monografica dedicata al noto artista tedesco. Heinz Mack (Lollar, Germania, 1931) è tra i protagonisti di quella stagione di grande sperimentazione e ricerca sui significati e le dinamiche della produzione artistica, sullo sconfinamento verso l’ambiente esterno e circostante, […]
Agostino Bonalumi: I Wish to Meet Architects

Cortesi Gallery is delighted to present its first exhibition in London dedicated to Agostino Bonalumi. The exhibition will feature Bonalumi’s immersive work, Bianco (1969), alongside eleven other signi-ficant works from the sixties and seventies. Vorrei incontrare gli architetti (I Wish to Meet Architects) is the title that Bonalumi (1935–2013) gave to one of his exhibitions […]
Black: An Idea of Light

Cortesi Gallery is pleased to announce Black: An Idea of Light, a fascinating journey through some twenty works of art by artists of different generations, from the post-war period to the present, exploring each one’s motivations for choosing black as the commencement of the creative act, a cognitive point of departure for the renewal of […]
Grazia Varisco, If…

Cortesi Gallery is delighted to present, for the first time in London, a solo exhibition by the Italian artist Grazia Varisco. Following the successful exhibition Grazia Varisco: Filo Rosso 1960/2015 at Cortesi Lugano in Switzerland, the gallery is now pleased to introduce Varisco’s body of work to the London audience. Born in Milan […]
A Bout the Souffle

Shaped canvases and ballpoint pens. A trajectory. The color of matter. Surface. Resins and aluminum. Perspectives. Solid, void. Gauging distance. Breathless The trailer for the Jean-Luc Godard film that marked the birth of the Nouvelle Vague presented the public with a rapid succession of different perspectives and bodies, […]
GRAZIA VARISCO. Filo rosso 1960 – 2015

Cortesi Gallery is pleased to announce a solo exhibition by Grazia Varisco, Filo Rosso 1960-2015. Filo Rosso (red thread, guiding thread) is the title the artist has chosen to accompany the connected paths of inquiry presented in this show, where works sometimes distant from each other in time are exhibited in a perceptual, sensory dialogue. […]
GREAT EXPECTATIONS: The Sense of the Future in the Art of the ’60s

“Great Expectations: The Sense of the Future in the Art of the Sixties” tries to analyze and convey the mood of anticipation about the immediate future experienced by a generation of artists that emerged in this decade. Curated by Marco Meneguzzo, the exhibition sets off from the idea that 1960 marked a crucial turning point […]

Cortesi Contemporary is pleased to announce the opening of Scheggi – Skaer, a show dedicated to Paolo Scheggi (Settignano, Florence 1940 – Rome, 1971) and Lucy Skaer (Glasgow, 1975). This exhibition, curated and conceived for the Lugano gallery by Eva Fabbris, juxtaposes the oeuvre of Paolo Scheggi with the more recent practice of artist Lucy […]